T-FPU A Portable Modular Fabric Display in ACTION
CASE STUDY 1 - July 2019
2m x 4m Space Only Stand
"We will need to make it look really great by creating some custom graphics which will act as walls too.
Need space for a TV screen and lots of surface area to display our products on. Our branding is very image led so we prefer to use large imagery."
The T-FPU Solution
Perfect for a space only stand, using SEG fabric graphics is light weight and collapsable. As a stand alone wall the T-FPU can hold internal display showcase with inbuilt down lights. Attach arm lights and tv mounts for flat screen tvs.
T-FPU Contents
- * counter with SEG fabric graphic skin, counter top, internal shelf.
- * 2x4 Module with internal display showcase (x2) with down lights. SEG fabric graphic (side, front, back)
- * 4x4 Module with internal display showcase (x4) with down lights. SEG fabric graphic (side, front, back) LED Arm lights (x 4)
- * T-FPU L connectors (locks modules together in desired configurations).
Customer Testimonial
"Thank you, the mock ups are great."
"Yes we love the stand and the fact we can modify it for other shows too!"
" As you can see we have been promoting our new stand a lot on our social channels, our head office love the stand format too :)"
"We've had some fantastic feedback from our general manager on the stand - thanks so much for your time helping set up William, it looks awesome!"